By Diana Maliszewski
Oscar. Emmy. Pulitzer. Nobel. Winning a prestigious award is a big deal, and the same is true in the field of school librarianship in Canada. There are several awards over which our federal organization, Canadian School Libraries, presides. Consider nominating an individual or group for one of the following recognitions.
The Angela Thacker Memorial Award is presented to teacher-librarians who have made contributions to the profession through publications, productions, research or professional development activities that deal with topics relevant to teacher-librarianship and/or school library learning commons. The winner(s) receive an engraved plaque and complementary registration to TMC. Former recipients of the award then help evaluate the nominations to select the newest champions.

Our 2022 Angela Thacker Memorial Award winners were:
- Leigh Borden (Newfoundland)
- Rabia Khokhar (Ontario)
- Rebeca Rubio (British Columbia)
- Jonelle St.Aubyn (Ontario)

The Leading Learning Implementation Award honours school districts, provinces and territories that focus on the impact that implementing Leading Learning standards has had on student/teacher/community learning, with relevance at local, provincial or national levels. The selected honoree is gifted with a framed certificate for the school district, province or territory and complementary registration to TMC for one school district, provincial or territorial representative.
Our 2022 Leading Learning Implementation Award winner was Surrey Schools, School District 36, in Surrey, British Columbia.

A new award has been added to CSL’s roster. The Donald Hamilton Advocacy Award recognizes the work of a significant member of the school library community, the incredible Donald Hamilton, who passed away in 2023. As described on the Awards section of the website, this award will be presented bi-annually to an individual, group or organization who have publicly and successfully promoted school libraries and/or teacher-librarians, in a significant way, through the media, organized events, presentations, or other forms of public advocacy. This advocacy may have involved a single major accomplishment or a long-term contribution to supporting school libraries and/or teacher-librarians. Advocacy goals must be aligned with the vision of the school library learning commons captured in CSL’s Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada, and Foundations for School Library Learning Commons in Canada: A Framework for Success.
The 2025 recipient will be the inaugural winner of this award.
Interested in nominating a worthy candidate?
Check out www.canadianschoollibraries.ca/awards/ and then follow these simple steps:
- Procure two letters to support your nomination.
- Complete the online nomination form, and include the two endorsement letters as attachments.
- Cross your fingers and hope for the best!
Nominations for these awards will be accepted until December 9, 2024. Successful candidates will be notified prior to Treasure Mountain Canada 8’s think tank and research symposium, which will be held on Friday, January 31, 2025 and Saturday, February 1, 2025 in Toronto, Ontario.
Diana Maliszewski is a member of the Canadian School Libraries Board of Directors.