By Beth Lyons

After focusing on cultivating a maker mindset based on literacy provocations and inquiry for the past four school years, the pivot to emergency distance learning in the spring of 2020 provided a unique opportunity to see how we might continue to engage learners in maker opportunities in a virtual learning environment. Moving from a physical library space to a fully virtual program for the 2020-2021 school year, Beth Lyons explores the pedagogy and philosophy that anchors the curation of the virtual library learning commons to provide maker prompts, continuing to embed literacy-based inquiry and culturally responsive practices in school wide make prompts and provocations.
The embedded videos are based on a virtual presentation given by Beth at the Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO) Bring It Together conference in February, 2021.
Links from the Presentation for You to Explore
Slides: bit.ly/VirtualMakingLLCvBIT
Virtual LLC: https://bit.ly/LarkspurVLLC
Maker Club Video: https://bit.ly/MakerClub1
Virtual Maker Club: http://bit.ly/VirtualMakerClub
Signs of Spring Photo Contest: https://bit.ly/PhotoContestLarkspur

Beth Lyons is currently a teacher-librarian in the Peel District School Board. She reflects and shares about her own learning journey as an educator and a teacher-librarian on her blog The Librarian’s Journey and on Twitter (@MrsLyonsLibrary). Currently, Beth is serving as OSLA vice-president, is a contributor to both The Teaching Librarian Magazine and the Canadian School Libraries Journal, and is one of the co-hosts for the podcast Read Into This (@into_read).