How can classroom teachers disrupt discrimination and promote hope, foster healing, and inspire joyful learning?

Stop the Hate for Goodness Sake shows teachers how to confront racism and disrupt discrimination in order to deepen students’ understanding of social justice, diversity, and equity. Background information, statistics, and reports on incidents of hate will help students consider ethical and moral behavior. Forty step-by-step lessons involve discussion, oral and written narratives, case studies, assumption charts, and more. This thoughtful examination of today’s world will help teachers encourage reflection, foster inclusion, and inspire students to take action. This in-depth guide will show teachers of 8- to 14-year-olds how to start and manage important conversations that will lead to change. (Pembroke Publishers)
Discover much more about this important book in a recent webinar featuring the author-educators, Dr. Andrew B Campbell (Dr ABC) and Dr. Larry Swartz. You will learn many approaches to helping your students confront hate and yes Larry has wonderful book recommendation for you too.
Dr. Andrew B. Campbell (DR.ABC) is an Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream in Leadership for Racial Justice in Education, at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto. A Jamaican-Canadian, Andrew has been an educator for more than 25 years in Jamaica, The Bahamas, and Canada. DR.ABC is well known to the OISE community for his leadership in advancing anti-discrimination work in teacher education, and he recently received OISE’s 2022 award for Excellence in Initial Teacher Education. He teaches courses on anti-discrimination education, leadership and diversity, educational change, urban education, and Black educators.
Larry Swartz is currently a literacy and arts instructor at OISE, University of Toronto. For the past 40 years, Larry has worked as a classroom teacher, consultant, and workshop and keynote presenter, both nationally and internationally. He is committed to helping teachers choose and use quality children’s literature to deepen the understanding of social justice, diversity, and equity. On his website, Dr. Larry Recommends, he posts a monthly list of the newest and best book titles for educators and students. Larry’s most recent books for teachers include Better Reading Now, Teaching Tough Topics, and Write to Read.

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