The Read Into This podcast is sponsored by Canadian School Libraries and voicEd Radio.
Your hosts connect with authors, experts, and colleagues about books, articles, fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, media texts, cookbooks, and everything in between. They explore how we read and how what we read makes us who we are and helps us learn about those around us.
Here’s a taste of some recent episodes!
Learning Loss vs Learning Gains
Listen to “S2 E14 Read Into Learning Loss vs Learning Gains- Melanie White & Cathy MacKechnie” on Spreaker.Beth Lyons hosts Melanie White and Cathy MacKechnie, both educators in the Ottawa Carleton District School Board to discuss the idea of learning loss vs. learning gains over the past few years as educators and students have faced the COVID 19 pandemic. The discussion centres on the collaboration between educators who work together, create a plan and are prepared to design in the moment to support student learning.
Interview with author Michelle Grierson
Listen to “S2 E13 Interview with author Michelle Grierson” on Spreaker.Alanna hosts this episode with debut novelist Michelle Grierson. Teacher turned author Michelle explores the inspiration for Becoming Leidah, and how her trip to Scandinavia solidified her ancestral culture into the world she designed in this book.
Virtual Read-Alouds
Listen to “S2E10 Read Into Read Alouds- Julie Vandendool & Aviva Dunsiger” on Spreaker.Join Read Into This host Beth Lyons as she explores how virtual read alouds have been used with fellow teacher-librarian Julie Vandendool and kindergarten educator Aviva Dunsiger throughout the 2020-2021 school year.
Find Read Into This on the Canadian School Libraries website: www.canadianschoollibraries.ca/read-into-this/