By Anita Brooks Kirkland, Chair, CSL Board of Directors
Canadian School Libraries (CSL) is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to professional research and development in the field of the school library learning commons in Canada. CSL connects school library practitioners and educators across Canada in the collaborative pursuit of delivering exemplary practices reflective of current professional school library learning commons standards. – About CSL
With this seemingly modest description our organization sets out a bold mission. Born from the ashes of the dissolution of the Canadian Library Association and following the clear mandate set out by participants in a national survey, CSL has moved forward confidently and aggressively in its short existence.
A Spectacular Debut

CSL’s early accomplishments are impressive. We have published Leading Learning / L’Apprentissage en tête online, partnered with the Manitoba School Library Association to host the fifth Treasure Mountain Canada research symposium, created the vibrant online journal that you are reading now, cultivated partnerships with provincial and territorial associations, and fostered a robust professional learning network with our wide-reaching communications strategy.
Canadian School Libraries is now a member of the Canadian Federation of Library Associations and the International Association of School Librarianship, extending our voice and influence nationally and internationally.
Supporting Our Future
Understanding our compelling mandate, these early and impressive successes come as a result of the dedication and hard work of a growing group of volunteers. The CSL Board has guided the organization through incorporation as a non-profit organization, recently achieving charitable status. This is a very significant step, as our future depends on financial as well as moral support. Every child in Canada deserves an excellent school library. By donating to CSL you help enrich understanding and improve practice to support the development of the school library learning commons program across Canada.
Spread the Word
Please help spread the word about all of the valuable resources provided by Canadian School Libraries. CSL has prepared a postcard, ready for printing, that we hope you will share with you colleagues and leaders.

Please visit the Canadian School Libraries website!