Open Source Access to Canadian Research about School Library Learning Commons Practice
Canadian School Libraries is very pleased to announce the release of its new Research Archive website.
The Canadian School Libraries Research Archive addresses the need to make Canadian research about school library learning commons practice visible and searchable. The archive aggregates scholarly and practitioner action research papers from five Treasure Mountain Canada (TMC) research symposiums. These symposiums have contributed over one hundred papers to the literature, and with this archive site, those contributions become widely available.
Our intent is to help fill the need for Canadian research into school library practice, as called for most recently in the Royal Society of Canada’s Expert Panel Report, The Future Now: Canada’s Libraries, Archives, and Public Memory (2014).
Treasure Mountain Canada has a research mandate. TMC’s objectives are to:
- Address learning for the future.
- Support the reinvention of school libraries to address the evolving information and technology needs of learning for the future.
- Invite researchers, school library practitioners, educational leaders and policy-makers to collaborate and move forward together.
- Collaboratively explore ideas, inspire each other and build collective knowledge of the learning commons approach as sustainable school improvement.
- Analyze the Canadian research available and encourage further academic and site based research.
- Alert the school community and the education community of the urgent need to refocus learning for the future and ignite the potential of school library learning commons.
With the new Research Archive website, all TMC papers have been catalogued, and are discoverable by subject heading, category or search tag. The web interface facilitates multiple points of entry, and allows us to feature particular papers on a rotating basis.
We invite you to visit and make use of this website for your own professional learning and to make connections to practice. TMC contributors tell their stories of effective and innovative practices in Canadian school libraries, and their stories can also help you to make the case for the place of the school library learning commons in the learning culture of your school.
Please visit and share this new resource!