By Carol Koechlin and Anita Brooks Kirkland
We are pleased to profile a number of articles in this issue which exemplify one of our new themes in Leading Learning – Leading Action for Collaborative Professional Development and Growth. In that standard, the teacher-librarian leads and supports professional learning communities within and across local divisions, provincially, nationally and globally in studies and initiatives to design and implement best practice in the LLC. As an organization, CSL models this approach, making sure that the voice of Canadian school library professionals is heard nationally and internationally, through involvement in organizations, presenting and publishing for audiences beyond our borders, and connecting standards for Canadian school libraries to the international standards with our new guideline, Foundations for School Library Learning Commons in Canada: A Framework for Success.
With CSL Journal, our goal is always to provide excellent articles for school library professionals across Canada, mostly written by our own talented folks who want to share and inspire others. In this issue we have reached out beyond our circles to broaden our sphere to include international voices advancing school library learning commons.
The update of Leading Learning: Standards of Practice for School Library Learning Commons in Canada represents the culmination of an exercise that took place at Treasure Mountain Canada 7 to identify areas that needed updating or additional themes needed to be added to CSL standards. Leading Learning is a living document and a CSL volunteer committee works to continuously keep it growing to reflect the realities of ever changing approaches in school library learning commons across Canada.
One of the biggest asks from TMC7 was to encourage participation in issues of librarianship beyond the school; including showing leadership within your school district, province and within Canada.

How might we build personal and support peer capacity within the school, family of schools, district, and beyond?
- Join our CSL Network for FREE and you will receive CSL newsletters as well as notification when a new publication of CSL Journal has been released. Then enjoy all the articles and stories prepared by your colleagues across Canada and beyond. The learning is endless!
- Give back by preparing an article for us, sharing new things you are working on, and accomplishments and celebrations of learning in your LLC. Have a look at our author guidelines.
- Attend a professional learning experience like the OLA Super Conference recounted in this issue, then when you get back to your school apply an idea you discovered at the conference and share what you have learned with your colleagues locally and nationally.
- Share your successful experience again to create a new See It in Action exemplar for Leading Learning. Help keep Leading Learning alive and growing. Just complete this simple form attaching your success story.
- Plan to participate in the Treasure Mountain Canada research symposium. Read all about the next TMC in this issue, which will be held in Toronto, Ontario early in 2025, and find out how you can add your voice to advance school libraries in Canada.
- Enjoy professional reading lists regularly profiled in CSL Journal, curated by librarians at the TDSB Professional Library in the Library Learning Resources and Global Education Department of the Toronto District School Board. If you didn’t catch it, last issue’s column focused on AI in Education and in this issue the topic is Supporting Multilingual Learners. Lead a book study group in your school or district with a suggestion from these lists.
- Share your LLC triumphs on social media and tag CSL to expand your networks.
- Present your expertise at a local, national or international conferences like Leap into the Future of School Libraries, profiled in this issue.

Lead Action for Collaborative Professional Development and Growth!