By Carol Koechlin and Anita Brooks Kirkland
This edition of CSL Journal is devoted to celebrating the work of school library learning commons and inspiring participation for the future as we embark on a new decade.
From Library Learning Commons Across Canada
TPACK as a Framework to Facilitate Co-Planning, Teaching and Assessing by Amber Hartwell, British Columbia
School Library Cataloguing: MSLA Advocacy with Library and Archives Canada by Debbie Smith, Manitoba
Podcasting in the Learning Commons by Sarah Murray, Ontario
International Connections
Walquiria’s Impressions: Buenos Aires Comes to Canada by Alanna King
AASL Conference 2019 by Richard Beaudry
Treasure Mountain Canada Symposium
TMC6: Symposium Synergy by the TMC6 Planning Committee
12daysbooksnbytes – Fostering Professional Participatory Learning Cultures with Literacy and Code by Melanie Mulcaster, with Mishelle Pitter-Adlam, Amanda Williams & Tina Zita
Looking to Get Colleagues on Board? by Lila Armstrong
Canadian School Library Awards
Leading Learning Implementation Award Acceptance Speech by Jo-Anne Gibson
Angela Thacker Memorial Award: Recipient Speeches by Alison Bodner, Alanna King and Sarah Wethered
Building Readers
The Eric Walters Summer Lending Project: Are You Ready to Set Your Books Free? by Anita Brooks Kirkland and Carol Koechlin
School Libraries Celebrate I Read Canadian Day by Anita Brooks Kirkland
Professional Resources
Digital Citizenship for Educators by Judy Ameline
Feature Interview
Victoria Pennell, Retiring Editor of Resource Links Journal by Judith Sykes
Leadership from the Library Learning Commons
Create Vision 2020! Let’s Start This Decade with a Fresh Vision by the editors