By Anita Brooks Kirkland & Carol Koechlin
We are very excited about the opportunities this Winter 2018 issue of Canadian School Libraries Journal offers for our readers. Each article opens up challenges and possibilities for school library professionals to pursue.
Educate a Leader – Share the CSL postcard. Remind your administration and district decision makers that supporting the school library makes a difference in school wide improvement. Connect them to valuable resources to assist with transitions to Library Learning Commons.
Start a Shift – Enjoy articles that feature shifts in learning potential through transitions to school library learning commons. The Durham District School Board and the Calgary Catholic School District are on the move. We would love to hear about shifts at your school or district for future issues. Start a shift and share your journey.
Help Leading Learning Grow – The CSL Leading Learning / L’Apprentissage en tête Committee announce that over forty new exemplars have been added to the standards. Accept the LL Challenge! We know that wonderful work is taking place in school libraries right around the country. If you have an example to illustrate implementation of CSL Standards please share with one of the committee members for committee review. Help us grow!
Empower Learners – Deborah McCallum, author of the successful book The Feedback Friendly Classroom, shares ideas on Feedback in the Library Learning Commons. How do you keep learning growing in the Learning Commons? Please share your feedback strategies on Twitter and in our CSL Facebook group.
Participate in a New CSL Project – The CSL Professional Learning / TMC Planning Committee is taking up the TMC5 call for action to support schools as they build culturally relevant and responsive School Library Learning Commons. Our intent is to initiate a TMC/CSL project to continue the work started at TMC5. We will establish a special project committee to plan and implement supports to advance culturally relevant and responsive school library learning commons. Would you like to help?
Start Truth Conversations at Your School – Following up on the theme of TMC5 we are pleased to share two articles with you, Treaties Recognition Week by Glenn Turner and Truth, Reconciliation and the Library Learning Commons by Ian McCallum.
Explore Professional Learning – How are current teacher-librarian training programs preparing professionals to meet the standards of practice as developed in Leading Learning? Exploring Teacher-Librarian Training in Canada is a first look at professional learning opportunities for school library professionals in Canada. We would also like to learn about how other course providers are using Leading Learning as a professional learning framework. Check out “Next Steps” at the end of this article.
Celebrate International Women’s Day at Your Library – The Resource Links column in this edition focuses on resources which feature strong women characters and feminist issues which would be appropriate for use during International Women’s Day which is coming up on March 8.
Be Inspired by Cory Doctorow – In this edition we re-publish an article from the School Libraries in Canada archives. This extraordinary conversation with SLiC editor Derrick Grose ranges from Doctorow’s YA books, through the writer’s craft, and onto technology’s influence on social activism. Not to be missed!
Just Enjoy – Caroline Pignat is the two-time Governor Generalʼs Award winning author of seven novels including Egghead, Greener Grass, The Gospel Truth and Shooter. In her interview with CSL Journal Pignat shares her wisdom of story dynamics. “It’s so powerful to hear how the story or character resonates with readers because story is really a co-creation: there’s what the author writes and there’s what the readers experience. Each of us add to the story through our imaginations, experiences, and connections.”
Be Inspired and Support CSL – We continue the work of supporting school libraries everywhere in Canada – Every child deserves an excellent school library and they need it now! Canadian School Libraries is a charitable organization dedicated to professional education and research. By donating to CSL you help enrich understanding and improve practice to support the development of the school library learning commons program across Canada.