Feeling the Joy! Canadian School Library Day 2021

Canadian School Library Day 2021

Joy. A word that we heard over and over as school library professionals from across the country shared their reflections and stories on Canadian School Library Day (CSLD) 2021. Although the pandemic is far from over, and educators still face huge challenges, in the fall of 2021 most schools were open for face-to-face instruction. Libraries that had been closed the previous school year had re-opened, and staff who had been re-assigned were back in the library. And the best thing, of course, was that the kids were overjoyed to be able to come back to the library themselves.

Canadian School Library Day 2021
Library love.

This was quite a contrast to last year’s more muted celebration. For CSLD 2020 we witnessed the resilience of school library professionals as they innovated in the face of immense challenges: getting books into the hands of kids despite the library being closed, taking the library to the classroom, supporting virtual learning, and providing professional support. There was definitely an undercurrent of concern, however, and even despair to the day. After all, many dedicated teacher-librarians and library technicians had been re-assigned and their libraries closed as part of school district COVID-19 response plans.

Canadian School Library Day 2021

Making Our Mark: School Library Success Stories

Fast forward to CSLD 2021. This year we focussed on celebrating the unique contribution of school libraries to student success and well-being, especially in the face of ongoing pandemic realities.We invited everyone to share how they were making their mark, highlighting the unique contributions of the school library and school library professionals. From small acts of kindness to innovations in practice, we wanted to hear your stories. And we did.

Social media activity on the hashtag #CSLD2021 was amazing. And the education world was listening, as evidenced by the supportive tweets and retweets from education organizations and leaders from beyond our own library circles.

Throughout the day we witnessed the pure joy of kids, so happy to just be in the library space. We heard stories of classes breaking into applause as they entered the room, of the joy of selecting new reading materials, tinkering in the makerspace, and just enjoying the freedom to explore and collaborate.

Canadian School Library Day 2021
School libraries back in business!
Canadian School Library Day 2021
Recognition in Prince Edward Island & British Columbia.

Canadian School Library Day LIVE on voicEd Radio!

Read Into This podcast host Beth Lyons joined voicEd Radio’s Stephen Hurley for a special, live phone-in online radio show on Canadian School Library Day. If you still weren’t convinced about the tone of joy we’ve been recounting, then just have a listen. We were genuinely touched by the passion of the school library professionals who called in, and their inspirational stories. The great news is that the show was recorded, and is available on the Read Into This podcast.

Listen to “S2 E16 Canadian School Libraries Day LIVE on VoicED radio” on Spreaker.
Canadian School Library Day 2021
CSL donated draw prizes
for voicEd listeners.

Thank you to all who contributed from across Canada! Jenn Angle, Natasha Cardoso, Kate Johnson-McGregor, Jennifer Byrne, Lila Armstrong, Rebeca Rubio, Tim Boudreau, Cathy MacKechnie, Barbara Whiston, and Jen Giffen.

Although we always try to quantify evidence to demonstrate the value of the school library program, much of the library experience remains intangible – so real to those of us vested in the program, but so very difficult to communicate. Until now. Time and again, we heard people express their joy at seeing the pieces fall into place.

Kids love the library. It’s as simple as that.