By Judith Sykes
Canadian School Libraries (CSL) has a national liaison network for school library professionals, scholars and supporters for strengthening connections between national and provincial and territorial associations. Provincial and territorial association representatives have been invited to bi-annual Zoom meetings in October and March, commencing in October 2020, with a session forthcoming in November 2022. Timely information has been shared about school library learning commons (SLLC) developments across the country as well as news about conferences, events, or resources. CSL liaison meetings demonstrate the strength of the school library community across Canada and how much we can learn and share from each area.
Note: If your province or territory does not have a school library association CSL welcomes school library representatives that can speak for their area by contacting CSL at info@canadianschoollibraries.ca with your contact information, and we will include you in the bi-annual invitations.
Association representatives share information about their province or territory. Recent information focused on post-pandemic SLLC resurgence and concerns. Provincial or territorial news included inspiring initiatives or documents for national consideration. The Quebec School Librarians Network (QSLiN) mentioned the their video series featuring SLLC practice and April 27th QSLiN symposium. The Prince Edward Island Teacher-Librarians’ Association (PEITLA) continues to work at re-developing their association, website and training new teacher-librarians; exploring an in-service day and connecting with the University of PEI. The Manitoba School Library Association (MSLA) held a virtual event March 14, Simple Strategies to Incorporate SEL into the School Library. The Alberta School Learning Commons Council (ASLC) are working to build capacity and membership, holding a live event April 9th, Pernille Ripp: Literacy in the Age of COVID. The Ontario School Library Association (OSLA) is also working on similar mandates, holding spring events such as their series, Culturally Relevant and Responsive Education and Action.
CSL Board members also share ongoing events, new information and resources of interest to school libraries nationally. This year CSL has partnered with the British Columbia Teacher Librarians’ Association (BCTLA) for our biennial research symposium, Treasure Mountain Canada 7 (TMC7, October 21-22, 2022). The TMC7 theme is Post-Pandemic Library Learning Commons: From Crisis to Intervention. CSL is encouraging associations to spread the word and advise members to explore this opportunity, as the call for papers from across the country is out! Need more information of unsure about how to conduct research or write a paper? See:
- TMC7: Homepage for 2022 Symposium
- TMC7: Resources to Get You Thinking
- TMC7: Call for Papers
- BCTLA Guide to Canadian School Libraries’ Research Toolkit Webinar (Access Passcode: TMC7Ahead!)
CSL AWARDS: CSL is seeking nominees for the Angela Thacker Memorial Award, honouring teacher-librarians who have made contributions to the profession through publications, productions, research or professional development activities that deal with topics relevant to teacher-librarianship and/or school library learning commons. Nominations are also open for the Leading Learning Implementation Award, established to recognize, honour and applaud school districts, provinces and territories who have developed and/or enhanced their school library learning commons on a systemic basis; founded on the tenets, principles and continuous growth and renewal focus of the five standards of Leading Learning. Awards will be presented at TMC7. See the Awards page on the CSL website for more information and read about the inspiring work of past recipients. Nominations are due June 30th, 2022.
Judith Sykes is a member of the CSL Board of Directors, and chair of the CSL Association Liaison Committee.