Treasure Mountain Canada Research Symposium
Treasure Mountain Canada (TMC) is a research symposium and think tank that serves as an incubator for much-needed research into school library practice. The first four symposia collectively have generated close to one hundred action research and academic papers.
Previous TMC symposia were organized by an independent committee, and held in conjunction with major library conferences, in order to establish and maintain a national profile and to attract participants already attending the core conference events. Symposia are held every other year, and each event has focused on a particular problem in research and practice.
In 2016 Treasure Mountain Canada became a project of the newly-formed national organization, Canadian School Libraries (CSL). CSL is dedicated to supporting and sharing research and professional knowledge about the library learning commons for and with school library practitioners, scholars and researchers.
We are very pleased to announce that the Manitoba School Library Association SAGE Conference in October, 2017 will be the home for TMC5. We are excited to participate and explore research papers on issues in school library learning commons practice that speak to Indigenous education, human rights, diversity and inclusiveness to complement the timely conference theme, Truth in Our Stories: Seeking a Path to Reconciliation.
The SAGE conference will take place on Friday October 20 followed by a tour of the Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Our traditional TMC evening dinner social will be held on Friday evening and the TMC symposium will take place on Saturday October 21, 2017.
The invitation for papers was issued in April. To help you start thinking about possible topics for research and papers we share the theme of TMC5 and sub-themes to guide your contributions to this important study.
TMC5 Theme: Culturally Relevant and Responsive School Library Learning Commons
- Learning Environment
- Instructional Approaches
- Learning Partnerships
- Leveraging Technology
Find out more about how you can participate in TMC5 (PDF)
From Stories to Data: A Canadian School Libraries Research Clinic
We are pleased to announce a new project of timely seminars, organized in partnership with interested school library districts and associations. These innovative seminars will explore universal themes relevant to school library practice and at the same time be organized around local needs and talents. The participants will help us build resources to support CSL professional learning modules and webinars available to all on our website. We expect to hold at least one regional seminar every year, probably in May or June.
The first CSL signature seminar will take place on Saturday June 10, 2017, and is presented in partnership with the Durham District School Board in Ontario.
More information about this CSL research clinic (PDF)
Visit the CSL Events page to register.