Let’s Start This New Decade with a Fresh Vision
From the Editors
Have you updated your school library vision statement lately? Let’s start this new decade with a fresh vision; a statement that gives your learning community common direction and inspiration and brings them up to date with what we believe students need from their LLC now and into this decade.
CSL invites school library professionals and their school teams to reflect on where they are now and their vision for the future. Consult with your learning community and create a strong statement that clearly and succinctly states the purpose of the library learning commons.
Why do you need a vision statement? From this statement it will be easier to develop a mission statement that maps out more specific paths to reach the LLC vision destination. As the Cheshire Cat in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland points out, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.” To engage your school learning community to journey with you in the work of the LLC they need to not only see but understand and believe in the end results. Then you will be ready to develop goals for the work of the school library learning commons that align school and district goals with the new vision and mission statements.
In the spirit of helping each other CSL would like to collect and share some of your Vision 2020 statements for your school library learning commons. Please complete this very short survey when you have your new vision and mission statements ready. CSL will share some of your ideas in the spring issue of CSL Journal and explore strategies for implementing and marketing Vision 2020.
To support your vision writing we have a few suggestions for you.
- Work with your school LLC leadership team to create Vision 2020
- Review Leading Learning / L’Apprentissage en tête for inspiration
- Explore CSL Professional Resources for fresh national and international vision.
- Ensure that your LLC vision 2020 supports your school district vision statements.