The Read Into This podcast is sponsored by Canadian School Libraries and voicEd Radio.
Your hosts connect with authors, experts, and colleagues about books, articles, fiction, non-fiction, graphic novels, media texts, cookbooks, and everything in between. They explore how we read and how what we read makes us who we are and helps us learn about those around us. Here’s a taste of some recent episodes!
Read Into Inquiry Mindset & Assessment with Trevor Mackenzie
Listen to “S3 E3 Read Into Inquiry Mindset & Assessment with Trevor Mackenzie” on Spreaker.Trevor Mackenzie returns to Read Into This to chat more about #InquiryMindset and his book Inquiry Mindset: Assessment Edition, Scaffolding a Partnership for Equity and Agency in Learning with host Beth Lyons. The conversation starts by looking at their previous conversation at the start of the pandemic and their observations about the learning that has happened due to crisis education. Trevor explores what prompted the journey from Inquiry Mindset (and Dive Into Inquiry) to this assessment edition and his ongoing learning connected to inquiry based learning and teaching. Beth shares her thoughts on the younger year’s companion resource, written by Rebecca Bathurst-Hunt, especially as it relates to Chapter 3- Co-Design and Co-Construct and asks Trevor about the biggest stumbling block for educators when they start the process of nurturing assessment ownership, especially with younger students. The conversation also explores the idea of soft starts, self-regulation, co-regulation and a culture of performance compared with routines that support a feedback based community of learners. Lastly, the discussion turns to books and other learning texts that Trevor and Beth have been reading lately and using for their own learning.
Read Into Dyslexia Awareness Month
Listen to “S3 E2 Read Into Dyslexia Awareness Month” on Spreaker.Read Into This host, Beth Lyons, welcomes Stephen Hurley from VoicEd Radio yo co-host as they discuss Dyslexia Awareness Month with Alicia Smith, the Executive Director of Dyslexia Canada, and Stacey Morrison Hadden, a literacy consultant with the Durham Catholic District School Board. The conversation starts with unpacking dyslexia, a complex term that’s important for educators to understand.
The panel looks at some of the common misconceptions about dyslexia and learning to read and the assumptions about learning to read that current research challenges and pushes back against. Alicia and Stacey share how teacher librarians and educators can support students with dyslexia, how the Right to Read inquiry shifted awareness in the education system about dyslexia, and which resources do they recommend educators look into to learn more about teaching all children to read.
Find Read Into This on the Canadian School Libraries website: www.canadianschoollibraries.ca/read-into-this/