About CSL Journal

Canadian School Libraries Journal

Place of Publication: Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Publisher: Canadian School Libraries

Frequency: Canadian School Libraries Journal is published three times per year: Spring, Fall, and Winter. The first edition, Volume 1, Number 1, was published in the spring of 2017.

ISSN 2560-7227

Canadian School Libraries Journal is published by Canadian School Libraries (CSL).

CSL is a non-profit organization dedicated to professional research and development in the field of the school library learning commons in Canada. CSL connects school library practitioners and educators across Canada in the collaborative pursuit of delivering exemplary practices reflective of current professional school library learning commons standards.

Contact CSL

Release Dates and Submission Deadlines

EditionRelease DateSubmission Deadline
Vol. 7, No. 2, Spring 2023May 24, 2023April 25, 2023
Vol. 7, No. 3, Fall 2023November 26, 2023October 24, 2023
Vol. 8, No. 1, Winter 2024March 14, 2024February 20, 2024
Vol. 8, No. 2, Spring 2024May 23, 2024April 19, 2024
Vol. 8, No. 3, Fall 2024November 21, 2024October 18, 2024
Please refer to our author guidelines if you are thinking about submitting an article.

Editorial Team

Anita Brooks Kirkland, Co-Editor

Anita Brooks Kirkland

As a writer, presenter and consultant, Anita Brooks Kirkland specializes in the areas of information and digital literacy and the role of the school library learning commons. She draws on her extensive experience as a teacher educator, both as an instructor in teacher-librarianship for the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE), University of Toronto, and in her previous role as the Consultant for K-12 Libraries at the Waterloo Region District School Board. Anita was a contributing writer to Together for Learning, Ontario’s guideline document for the school library learning commons. Anita is very active in professional organizations, currently serving as chair of Canadian School Libraries. She was the 2014 president of the Ontario Library Association, and has also served as president of the Ontario School Library Association (2005) and co-chaired The Association of Library Consultants and Coordinators of Ontario (2011-13). Anita shares an extensive collection of program resources, articles, and presentations on her website and blog, www.bythebrooks.ca. Contact Anita via email: anitabk[at]bythebrooks.ca

Carol Koechlin, Co-Editor

Carol Koechlin

Carol Koechlin is an experienced educator who has contributed to the field of information literacy and school librarianship writing professional books, articles for professional journals, facilitating on-line courses, and presenting workshops in Canada, United States and Australia. Working with Dr. David V.Loertscher, the team has developed foundations for the transformation of school libraries and computer labs into a Physical and Virtual participatory Learning Commons. Explore their work at The School Library Learning Commons – Future Forward. Carol is a founding member of Treasure Mountain Canada (TMC) and has co-chaired TMC Symposiums since 2010. Carol was a contributing writer for Together for Learning: School Libraries and the Emergence of the Learning Commons and writing coordinator for Leading Learning: Standards Of Practice For School Library Learning Commons In Canada (Canadian Library Association, 2014). She is currently a director of Canadian School Libraries (CSL). Carol’s favourite saying, “Empower students to own the question.” Contact Carol via email: koechlin[at]sympatico.ca